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How Long Does the Adoption Process Take?

how long does the adoption process take

Adoption is a very personal journey for each person. However, prospective adoptive parents all want to know how long the adoption process takes. The answer is going to depend on many factors. For instance, the type of adoption you are involved in may take longer or shorter periods, the legal process involved and the specific factors around the child's circumstances. These can be varied and complex. Dive deeper into the adoption process and factors that can affect the adoption timeline below.

Factors Influencing How Long The Adoption Process Can Take

  1. Type of adoption - The type of adoption being pursued will be the most significant factor in the timeline of the adoption. There are 3 main types of adoption

    1. Domestic Infant Adoption

    2. Foster Care Adoption

    3. International Adoption

  2. Legal/Administrative Requirements - There is a lot of documentation and paperwork involved in any adoption. Other administrative work includes legal clearances, home studies, and court processes. The timeline can be affected if there are errors or delays in the paperwork or if legal complications arise.

  3. Matching Process - Both parties involved have a preferred match in mind. Finding the party that matches preferences, needs and availability on either side can take time.

  4. Agency or Facilitator - Adoption often progresses quicker when working with a reputable adoption agency or facilitator. It can also take more time if the agency/facilitator is inefficient.

  5. Location - Every country and every state has specific laws regarding adoption. They are not the same. Some areas have much more strict regulations and can make the process longer than other states.

  6. Parent Preferences - When adoptive families have very specific preferences of the child like age, gender, or ethnicity, the timeline can be longer. Being open to older children and/or siblings can reduce the wait time. Newborn-seeking families usually have longer wait times.

Timelines by Type of Adoption

  1. Domestic Infant Adoption - Adoption of a newborn or very young baby in the same country.

    1. Average Timeline - Can take 1-2 years, sometimes longer. This can also lengthen if birthmothers change their mind before relinquishing her rights.

  2. Foster Care Adoption - Adopting a child from the foster care system. These are children who are often permanently separated from their birth parents. These children typically are victims of abuse, neglect and other circumstances.

    1. Average Timeline - 6 months - 2 years

  3. International Adoption - Adopting a child from another country. This is a very complex and time-consuming type of adoption.

    1. Average Timeline - 1 1/2 - 3 years or longer

Stages of the Adoption Process

  1. Initial Research and Decision-Making - Prospective parents will first decide on their preferred type of adoption. Prospective parents often put a lot of time into this step, researching and consulting with adoption agencies, speaking with parents who have adopted and visiting online forums. This initial step will take as long as the prospective parents need to feel comfortable making a decision.

  2. Home Studies - Home studies, on average, take 3-6 months. This is a critical part of every type of adoption and involves background checks, interviews, home visits, and evaluations. Home studies determine if the prospective parents can provide a safe, stable, and loving home for a child. This is a legal requirement but also serves as education and preparation regarding the responsibilities of adoption.

  3. Matching Process - Depending on the type of adoption, the child's country, the agencies involved and preferences, this timeline can vary significantly with foster care having the shortest wait time.

  4. Legal Finalization - Legal processes must be completed to finalize the adoption after a child is placed. This can take 3-12 months.


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