Intercountry Adoption
Premier Adoption Agency was one of the first adoption agencies in the United States to achieve Hague Accreditation in 2008. Our Hague accreditation is curent and we are in good standing with our accrediting body (IAAME) and the US State Department. We hold licenses for both Incoming and Outgoing adoptions.
Our agency was founded in 1999 as an international adoption agency and we have 22 years of international adoption experience. ​
We are passionate about family building and creating adoption programs to facilitate permanency for children based on ethical practices.
Which Inter-Country Programs Do You Offer?
We are accepting applications for families wishing to be accepted into our Outgoing USA newborn program. We work with prospective adopting families who have a completed home study and have a provincial approval letter, Article 4 or Article 15 letter from the countries of: Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.
Outgoing USA Newborn Program
Who can adopt?
We are accepting applications from prospective adoptive families residing in the countries of: Canada, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. We will consider other countries on a case by case basis.
Families must have their Article 15 letter and be open to either gender, any ethnicity, birth parent expenses and open to some alcohol and/or drug exposure during pregnancy.
What children are available?
Children available through our outgoing program are primarily newborns. Occasionally, we place older children ranging in age from 0-5 years of age. However, most placements are infant placements. Our birth parent outreach brings in a representative cross section of all race and socio-economic demographics.
How long does it take to receive a child?
Families entering our program cannot be guaranteed that a child will be placed in their home within a specific time frame. Your profile could be chosen the first time it is shown to a birth parent or after many times. We have also found no rule that universally applies to what attributes birth parents are looking for in the family that will adopt their child (i.e.: age, number of children, ethnicity, external appearances, socio-economic standing, religion, etc.). You will be selected by a birth mother who feels good about her child being raised in your family. Due to Premier Adoption Agency’s commitment to counseling our birth parents on all their options and respecting freedom of choice, no placement is ever guaranteed with a birth parent matched with a family even if living expenses have been paid on a birth parents behalf. We will never pressure a birth mother to place her child if she no longer feels adoption is the best decision for her and her baby.
The Process
In order to submit an application, you must first fill out our Readiness Survey. You will receive our fee schedule at the time you submit this survey. The questions we ask in this survey are geared towards assisting us understand your family's adoption goals and is used to evaluate your child preferences are realistic and appropriate for our program. We understand that adoption is very costly and time consuming. We are sensitive to this and do not want you to waste your time and money if the likelihood of matching you with a birth mother who fits your preferences is low.
If you are a match for our program, you will receive an email inviting you to apply to our program. We will request your Provincial approval letter, Article 4 or 15 letter from your Central Authority, a copy of your home study, and other documents such as background checks.
At the time you submit your application paperwork, the initial application fee of $450 is due. We will review your home study it to ensure it meets US requirements and send an an acceptance letter to your Central Authority or adoption agency.
You will complete the Adoptive Parent’s Preference Form outlining all of your preferences and we will help you prepare your family profile book which is given to eligible birth parents when they are ready to select adopting parents for their baby (also refer to Profile Book Guidelines). Once we receive your profile books the first half of the Hague fee ($3,450) is due.
When your family is selected by an expectant mother, we will contact you or your representative in your country, to give all of the information we have available in order to help you make a well-informed decision whether to accept the referral. You will be provided with social and medical histories, medical records if available, possible risks and total projected expenses.
If you decide to proceed, this is considered an “accepted referral” and the file activation fee ($3,500) is due in addition to reimbursing the agency for prior expenses for the expectant mother, as well as all projected expense money to financially assist her during pregnancy.
Once a referral is accepted, we continue to facilitate communication needs and requests (if applicable) while waiting for the baby to be born. A birth plan is put in place outlining the expectant mother’s requests at the delivery and the duration of her stay at the hospital. Four (4) weeks prior to her due date, the agency fee and second half of the Hague fee is due. The funds will be held in escrow until the birth mother signs her relinquishment/consent paperwork. Once the birth mother signs her relinquishment/consent paperwork after birth, the funds will be processed. Placement documents between you and Premier are signed outlining the physical and shared legal responsibilities for the baby until the adoption is legally finalized.
Our agency fee is $17,500. Birth mother expenses vary. In addition, families are required to pay for their pre-placement home study, application fee of $450, file activation fee of $3,500, Hague fee of $6,900, post-placement supervisory visits, legal expenses and travel expenses (if applicable). Our Fee Schedule is found here.

How Do We Get Started?
Interested families must first fill out our Readiness Survey. Upon submission will be emailed our International Inquiry packet which contains information about our program, requirements, and fee sheet. We will review the information you provide us to determine whether your family is a good fit for our program. We understand that adoption is time consuming and costly. We want to ensure that your preferences match what types of birth parent situations we see most often.