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Adoption Resources 


  1. Adopting the Hurt Child by Gregory Keck and Regina Kupecky

  2. Adopting the Older Child by Claudia Jewett

  3. Adoption Healing. . . A Path to Recovery by Joe Soll

  4. An Insider’s Guide to International Adoption by Marcia Vaughn

  5. Attaching in Adoption: Practical Tools for Today’s Parents by Deborah D. Gray.

  6. Attachment, Trauma and Healing: Understanding and Treating Attachment Disorder in Children and Families by Terry M. Levy and Michael Orlans

  7. Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control by Heather Forbes and B. Brian Post

  8. Brainstorm by Daniel Siegel

  9. Building the Bonds of Attachment by Daniel Hughes

  10. Cross Cultural Adoptions by Caryn Abramomitz

  11. Does Anybody Else Look Like Me?: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Multiracial Children by Donna Jackson Nakazawa.

  12. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide For Families and Communities by Ann Pykowicz Streissguth

  13. Growing Girls: The Mother of All Adventures by Jeanne Marie Laskas.

  14. I Don’t Have Your Eyes (a children’s picture book) by Carrie A. Kitze.

  15. Lifebooks: Creating a Treasure for the Adopted Child by Beth O’Malley.

  16. Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel

  17. Parenting Other People’s Children: Understanding and Repairing Reactive Attachment Disorder by John L. Stoller.

  18. Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child by Patty Cogen

  19. Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Integration Issues by Lindsey Biel.

  20. Recognizing and Managing Children With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects: A Guidebook by Brenda McCreight, Ph.D.

  21. Risk and Promise:  A Handbook for Parents Adopting a Child From Overseas by Ira Chasnoff

  22. The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to Your Adoptive Family by Karyn B. Purvis, David R. Cross, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine.The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder by Carol Stock Kranowitz.

  23. The Post Adoption Blues by Karen Foli

  24. The Sensory Sensitive Child: Practical Solutions for Out-of-Bounds Behavior by Karen A. Smith and Karen R. Gouze.

25. The Waiting Child: How the Faith and Love of One Orphan Saved the Life of Another by Cindy                   Champnella. An incredible true story, honestly depicting the love, loss, suffering, healing and hope         that come together in older child adoption. 

26.  The Whole-Brained Child by Daniel Siegel

27.  Toddler Adoption:  A Weaver’s Craft by Mary Hopkins-Best

28.  Treating Attachment Disorders: From Theory to Therapy by Karl Heinz Brisch, translated by                      Kenneth Kronenberg

29.  Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew by Sherrie Eldridge.      

30.  We See the Moon by Carrie A. Kitze. This story allows children to express their questions to, and              love for, their birthparents.

31.  When Love Is Not Enough by Nancy Thomas



  2. And




  6. “Because They Waited: an Adoptive Parent Education System” from Heart of the Matter Seminars 

  7. Trust Based Parenting Creating Lasting Changes in Your Child’s Behavior  by the TCU Institute ( ).

  8. Adoptive Families magazine. This is available at

  9. Online courses through Adoption Learning Partners ( Our favorites include “Let’s Talk Adoption,” and “The Journey of Attachment.”

  10. “Conspicuous Families” course at


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